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  • St. Patrick's Day
Is Your Shillelagh a Sham? A Closer Look at Ireland's Famed Fighting Sticks
Is Your Shillelagh a Sham? A Closer Look at Ireland's Famed Fighting Sticks
Many Canes Galore followers are world travelers and souvenir connoisseurs, and some of you may have even picked up a Shillelagh (pronounced shuh·lei·luh) or two during a visit to the Emerald Isle.
But is the knobby club a legitimate Irish weapon, or is it a load of blarney?
In the spirit of the upcoming holiday we are pleased to share with you this fun and informative article “Is Your Shillelagh a Sham?" In it, Bridget Haggerty separates facts from fiction with regards to these famed Irish symbols.  
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